1.What you feed in your mind is very important like the type of food you eat.

As we are growing,we get much freedom in everything that we do but we end up living focused on what is not helping us.

Many people focus on what is trending everywhere with no Valuable result from it.It is worsened by their narrow mind that they can't recognize the serendipity in different fields.

Be unique to ask yourself on the value in what you hear,see and listen to.This will create a big picture of transformation.

2.Thinking big is crucial to you.This will expel comfortability and instant gratification that have become stumbling blocks towards the success of many people.Make sure you are breaking down your plans in that they are easy to be pursued.

Many people think big and they plan big,they end up procrastinating because of the enormous thinking.They develop negativity that it can't be possible.

Let's take an example of dreaming to build a big house but in reality,the thinker is not even having a passive or active income to save for the goal to be catapulted.

3.Define what makes you happy no matter what.This will help you not to despair very easily even if you are not seeing an early success.

Practice your pleasures to recharge after long hours of focusing.What is making us happy is different,some people enjoy music, football, writing, vlogging etc.

4.Learn to be compassionate to yourself. Whenever you practice something for the first time,it will be challenging and a lot of people get petrified not to practice again and again with much fear of the negative results or mistakes in it.
Don't condemn yourself too much even if you do mistakes because perfection is a myth.Focus on positive results but remember that they can't be achieved in one day.

5.Don't think that you know much no matter how knowledgeable you might be.This can build comfortability not to seek for more wisdom.
If you show others that you know much,they will stop showing you the feasible wisdom that you need everyday.Be a student in your life even if you have just finished to write and print your own book.

6.Master the art of patience to you, to those you are interacting with,and to everything that is surrounding you.I have experience with stock marketing, you can make a trade on buy button, from there you see price going down,many amateurs start to panic with fear to lose yet it's normal for the prices to fluctuate.

You might see someone doing something yet you don't why they are doing it, you overreact based on naivety, after some time recognizing clearly why it was done, you feel ashamed.

7.Master self control over everything.Your reaction at everything can ruin your energy that you could have used in productivity.

In your solitude,it is very important to learn mindfulness as a phenomenon to help in strategic thinking.
#wisdom #knowledge