Psalm 100:4 says, Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.

This verse encourages us to approach God's presence with thanksgiving and praise. It reminds us to express gratitude to God and acknowledge His goodness and faithfulness. When we come before God, whether in prayer, worship, or gathering as a church, we are encouraged to have thankful hearts and offer praise to His name.

The verse reminds us of the importance of gratitude in our relationship with God, recognizing His blessings and extending thanks for all He has done for us. It is a reminder to approach God with a thankful attitude and to acknowledge Him as the source of our blessings and the object of our praise.

As we celebrate our thanksgiving today, may this verse guide our heart and inspire us to enter into God's presence with a spirit of gratitude and praise.
©️ Chioma