Goodnight to A Movie Legend! Your Death Thought Me many Lessons but will share 5 of them;

1) If you Miss it in Marriage , there are higher chances your later years will be full of Sorrow.

2) Don’t Just Invest, Understand The subject of Financial Intelligence . Your later year may be full of health issues , do insurance for your future health issues and build into such investments from younger Years.

3) Marriage Is Good and God hate Divorce but you have one Life, just One! If you notice someone married you for your money and God use an adopted Daughter to show you a more dignified way to make money and invest in taking care of you, find a way to separate from such wife or Husband. There is no Spair life. We all know the traumatic impact of cutting off a leg and not having a good emotional support . Call @ladyjasminec anything you like, #mribu was happy around her and they cut her off from him and we are shocked he is dead?
The devil is ready to finish you, when he remove your sources of Joy.

4) Have A Mind of your own and take decisive decisions fast even if it’s in your death bed. I was A Student when I made My fiancée now My Wife My “ Next of Kin “ and not any family member . Make your succession so clear that no one will be in doubt . I tell My Children, I met your mum before you, without her approval , I can’t give you certain things. Who exactly is your successor if you Die today? Who? Change it if need be over time as people unravel themselves in life.

5) Remain Un- Famous in your eye. Fame is fake and deceptive . Many people tell Me, why are you still selling at this level, if you are indeed big man you will not sell😂. I agree , I Am not a big man. Only a fool throw away his winning ticket. If I stop selling and I come beg you, will you feed Me? I Am never ashamed of My Hustle . I push it with pride , if you will buy, buy and if you can’t buy; bye!!!

Rest in Peace Mr Ibu. May God grant all your genuine loved once the grace to bear the loss.

Dr Stephen Akintayo.