*1. A city where* there's only entrance, no exit.
*2. A city where* nothing expires.
*3. A city where* fire and demons never stop to toture the residents day and night.
*4. A city where* nothing changes.
*5. A city that never* and will never change her
*6. A city with no* drops of water.
*7. A city of no* regard nor respect of persons but regrets.
*8. A city with no* rest.
*9. A city where* no man laughs, only crys.
*10. A city of* darkness with oceans, rivers and pools of fire.
*11. A city where commited sins are never forgotten,* sins become physical demons that torture a person attached to them
*12. A city where* everyone repents but no forgiveness.
*13. A city of* no help nor helper.
*14. A city where* love does not exist but only hatred
*15. A city where* wealth and riches never exist.
*16. A city of none stop fasting and prayers* but no answer to prayers.
*17. A city of no* mercy.
*18. A city of* no death.
*19. A city of sickness* but no herbs.
*20. The largest city so far* after heaven, is hell. It
increases every second with no reproduction.
*21. A city with the most powerful* security where no sinner has
ever gone missing.
*22. A city where* there is neither calendar nor new year.
*23. A city of no* hope.
*24. A city where* all men will transform to demon.
*25. A city where* beauty becomes useless.
*26. A city where* there's no desire for money nor
*27. A city where there's* pain but no peace.
*28. A city of unstoppable* weeping and gnashing of teeth.
*29. The only city whose fire is* unquenchable and
*30. The city of only horrors* which I will not encourage, desire nor
advice anyone to live forever.
*Escape Hell before you die*
*Repent now! Don't wait! tomorrow might be too late?