In courtship you thought they were just the quiet type. Turns out in marriage they don‘t even talk at all. Now you are the one pursuing communication.

In courtship they never use to buy you anything. You thought they were the financially disciplined type. Found out in marriage they were just stingy.

In courtship they would get angry and ghost you for weeks. You thought it was a way of self control. In marriage you’ve been sleeping in different rooms for months.

In courtship they would take an eternity to apologize. You thought they needed time to process.
In marriage they
don’t come home
after an argument.

In courtship they were not the calling type. You thought they were just busy. Turns out they call everyone except you. Good finding out you were never a priority.

In courtship they never had an active relationship with God. You thought yours is enough to cover for them. Turns out you now need twelve intercessors to cover for you also.

No one wakes up in marriage and changes over night. The signs were always there. Some red flags are recessive characters, hidden but expressed in our time of comfort.

Other red flags are dominant. You see it
at first light, and try to avoid it. Yet the major issues in marriage are caused by the things we overlooked while courting.

When courting, be mindful of red flags that disguise as a harmless way of life. Those are the real issues waiting to mature in marriage.

I wish that today you would listen to me, and harden not your heart.

That lifestyle you smiling over and overlooking as nothing, is just the origin.

