Dear team valuetok
You doing great and we all start like this
Buh at this time of many social network era
You need to know you have to be more competative.
You have to sacrifice alot to keep up,
some of us that decide to join your flatform
What to explore more about you.
Do you care what if they found out you just posting propaganda about your new flatforms,
At this economic crisis in our dearest country ?.
And the truth is there is nothing encouring to make this your flatform lively.
You are starting learn to sacrifice i guess the likes of tiktok is something you should have explore and know how they get to evolved so fast during this time that facebook and instagram and twitter and whatsapp are at their prime.
Secondly in our situation now in the country everybody will not like to come and waste their time and data here because the truth this flatform is boring no wonder you said you have almost 100k subscribers buh 90% aint active.
The question is what do you do to keep them
If you persuade them with your sweet offers?
Somethings are just at the table
I think you just eager to start earning from subscribers buh spend well to attract them and spend well to keep them,if you do that testimony is enough to let new subscribers rush to your flatforms.
Note: am an advocate of peace
And its really encouring to see something like this.
My wish is to one day see this flatform competting with top social flatforms in the world
Thank you
Your faithfully Nethanyahu🤗🤗🤗