‎Thank God it is Jumu'ah. When a Muslim greets you, As-salamu alaykum, accept the greeting. It is a universal blessing. It means 'Peace be upon you'. It is not an Islamic greeting. It is a Godly greeting that predates Islam. It was first used by Yeshua Hamashiach (Jesus Christ) in John ⁦‪20:21‬⁩. The word salam in Arabic has the exact meaning as the word shalom in Hebrew and Selam in Amharic (the national language of Ethiopia).

‎How do you say peace be upon you in Hebrew, the way Yeshua (Jesus) said it in John ⁦‪20:21‬⁩?

‎Shalom Aleichem.

‎How do you say peace be upon you in Arabic?

‎Salam alaykum.

‎What is the difference?

‎So, on this Jumu'ah, promote peaceful religious coexistence. If Muslims greet you, accept it with love and affection. There is only one religion in heaven or Jannah, and it is love. And there is only one way of life there, which is peace.

‎To all my Muslim followers, subscribers and fellow citizens, I say Jumu'ah Mubārak, جمعة مباركة to you and your family!