Did you know candidiasis starts from the body of a woman then spreads out.

How is this possible? Welcome to the mystery of nature as we sail to this great unveiling truth.

Candida is known to be a common flora (an organism that lives in the body of a man)

It is know as a commensal.The site of habitant is the female genitalia part(the vigina)

The vigina is a site of residence for some microorganisms such as candida Albicans, lactobacilli, Cladosporium, etc.

This bacteria lives and carries out their life activities in a woman's vigina without causing any harm to the host.

Unfortunately, it is also dangerous when it happens to outgrown in her ecological nitch.

Lactobacilli is a micro organism that also lives in the vigina, infact it is seen as the most mutual bacteria in the vigina.

Its function is to regulate the ph level of the vigina [ ph is an expression used to indicate the level of acid or base/alkaline in a solution].

The lactobacilli is known to be an antifungal producer. Also, this bacteria produces what is called lactic acid, which lowers the growth of candida.

How does man/woman become the originator of candidiasis?

Candida Albicans are bacteria or common flora that grows well in the abundance of sugar.

they're yeast that occur naturally in the human body, they can be found in the (1)skin, (2) viginal, (3)gut etc. Since they're yeasts, they grow favourably in an environment where there's abundance of sugar.

*Excess intake of alcohol
*Antibiotics medication
*Contraceptic pills.

This aforementioned substance above increae the rate of candida and decrease or kills lactobacilli, in this manner the candida grows in a well flamboyant manner in the vigina, therefore causing harm to the vigina through its defecation known as TOXIN.

By so doing, the infection known as candidiasis creeped in, women notice this by itching in the vigina, fowl discharge and,sharp pain.

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