Before you marry, here's my well articulated advice. 👇👇👇

Before you approximate and expeditiously acclimatize yourself to a compos mentis sapien, you have to assiduously demystify the permutations and connotations that surround matrimonial cacophony as a result of unmatched personality, perspectives or understanding. Hence, you must be ready to pooh pooh inauspicious rival and discombobulation with ur partner which always mushrooms when egotism and pride sets in. Meanwhile, never let any form of misunderstanding put u and ur partner in a state of brobdingnagian quagmire and crinkum crankum cum gargantuan gaga.

In addition, Always incline to the voice and instructions of the supercalifragilisticexpialidocious God that are embedded and enscripted in the Holy Bible. Thus, It is the best and most reliable manual for a successful matrimonial euphoria.

I hereby pipelow for now 😊

Yours faithfully,
your humble long headed,
egghead academic juggernaut.