Yes, humans started to live first in Africa, according to archaeological evidence.

The picture you are seeing here is a reconstruction of the oldest complete human skeleton found in England. He is named Cheddar. Presently, Cheddar is the oldest known ancestor of the British people.

His skeletal remains date to the Mesolithic (ca. 9100–7100 BC). Until recently, the English people believed that Cheddar was "white"-skinned.

It was only recently discovered through modern technology that Cheddar had black skin and hair. He was painted accordingly.

Yes, the ancestors of Cheddar are also said to have come from Africa about 10,000 years ago. Yes, the Africa, you know.

But have you asked yourself, as an African, why you were not taught in school that the ancestors of Europeans or at least of the British people were Africans?

Why were you not taught in school that life began in Africa? Why were you not taught in school that arts, religion, culture, music, medicine, etc. began in Africa?

Why were you taught in school about the atrocities of your forefathers but not about their achievements in arts, religion, culture, technology, music, language, history, etc.?

If you do not know the reason, it means you are yet to understand what ideological w@rfare means and why Africans are losing out on it.

As an African, be proud of who you are and your environment. Be proud of your history and identity.

This is why we have to go back to our abandoned selves to pick up our broken dignity and self-esteem.

Any new way of life we acquire must be built on the achievements of our forefathers; otherwise, we are aiding in our own destruction.

Each time I say this, you will see people who will come and accuse me of taking people back to idol worship.

Such comments hardly annoy me because I know the amount of damage done to our brains. Such comments only make me weep.

Someone said that Cheddar appears to be crying when one looks at his reconstruction (see picture). Why wouldn't he cry after seeing how his own people have become the uñderd0gs of the world? And how the first has become the last.
