Dear Lady.


In an attempt to know a Guy who is serious about marrying you, the LEAST place to get confirmation from are HIS FRIENDS.

A guy can introduce you to his friends, they'll even be calling you "OUR WIFE, we've heard a lot about you" whereas they are fully aware you are the 5th on the list.

A guy can introduce you to his siblings and be using you to catch cruise.

His siblings can't really hold him to ransom.

There are siblings who will even collaborate and cover for their cheating brother.
HIS PARENTS are next

Here, one can be a bit sure of his intentions.

But there are few that can still introduce you their parents as a scope to get what they want, whereas they are playing lawn tennis with you.

This is more fail proof than his Parents, no guy wants to go to this length when he knows he only plans to sleep with you and move on.

80% of Playboys will avoid your parents like a plague by all means possible.

Almost every guy who is fake would not want to go here.

98% of play boys will not want to take a lady to see their Pastor (if they even have a Pastor) or go to see her Pastor or see their Pastor (where the guy and lady are in the same Parish).

Just tell a guy "go and tell Pastor, come and see my Pastor" and you'll see weevils separating from beans..

How ever, some daredevils will still go to this length just to sleep with you.

Dear Lady,

I will Marry you is not enough guarantee that a guy is genuine.

Meet my friends is not

Meet my Parents is good,

I want to come and see your Parents is better

Lemme see Your Pastor is betterer.

Identifying the genuine Fear of GOD in him and CLOSING YOUR LEGS till marriage is best.

Close your Legs till your Wedding night.

Some guys are daredevils. Don't allow yourself be scammed.
