My dear Valutok family,
I have missed you all so much, especially Team Valutok with their engagement and quick response to issues. It has been weeks since I last joined the conversations and I have felt a huge void without your presence. I hope you all have been doing well and thriving in your respective endeavors. I must confess that the reason for my absence has been quite painful. I was heartbroken to discover that my girlfriend had left me and married another man without my knowledge. It shattered my world and left me feeling lost and alone. The betrayal and hurt were too much to bear, and I found myself needing time away from social media to heal. I want to open up to you all and share that I am now proudly single and feeling quite lonely. The pain of losing someone I deeply cared for has been overwhelming, but I am determined to find my way back to happiness and peace. Your support and love mean everything to me, and I am grateful for the opportunity to confide in you. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I navigate this difficult chapter in my life. I look forward to reconnecting with all of you and finding solace in our cherished community once again.
With love and gratitude.
