1) Collaborate with the school to know your child.
2)Give the children a routine to follow - the school cannot do everything for you.
3) Check their grades and not the results in totality.
4) No comparison with others.
5) Chat with them but don't put words in their mouths.
6) Find out their innate qualities and potentials.
7) Never use harsh words against the teachers in their presence.
8) Create a rapport with the teachers and the school.
9) Pick key issues from their conversations at home.
1 Don't be hostile when they go astray.
11) Know their friends in school.
12)Teach sex education; it should not be the duty of the school alone.
13) Teach them etiquette and respect for one another.
14) Handle teenagers with care, they like to explore.
15) Reduce over familiarity with uncles, house helps and so on.
16) Don't jump classes, they will find their bearings somewhere along the line.
17) Juggle the exam questions and allow them to do it again at home.
18) Send a thank you card or a word of gratitude to the teacher. It's a motivation in disguise.
19) Organise family excursion even if it's within Abuja.
2 Have a home library which should be properly utilised, not for decoration.

LEARNERS (depending on age) Teach them to...
1)Sweep the house
2) Mop the floor.
3)Do some laundry work.
4) Dust the furniture.
5) Lay their beds.
6) Read books and follow up with questions.
7)Arrange things in an an orderly manner.
8) slice ingredients in the kitchen.
9) how to receive visitors.
1 to be out of sight when visitors are present.
11) how to use electrical appliances.
12) how to prepare simple meals and dishes. Let them have market experience.
13) Allow them perform some tasks in the house.
14) Teach them to be security conscious.
15) Teach them personal hygiene.
16)Let them iron clothes.
17) Discuss academics with them.
18) Encourage them to read author biographies and biographies of great men/women.
19) Seize this period to teach them your dialect.
2 Get them some indoor games to play.