"How can you make a movie titled "A Country Called Ghana" featuring Nigerian actors. Nigerians shall use this movie to môck us for life." Mr Logic

"From my point of view,it is a "A Country Called Ghana", so why do you have Nigerian actors in it. The next thing you'll see, they'll be mockîng us Ghanaians in the movie. You need to be careful when you're scripting your stories. No matter what he has in the script, this is a movie about Ghana and shouldn't feature Nigerian actors. These are major areas where we Ghanaians make it seem like Nigerians are bigger than us. How do you make a movie titled a Country called Ghana and then have Nigerian actors in it, that's senséless. Is he tryîng to tell us that there aren't actors in Ghana. This is a movie that has a target of being uploaded on Netflix, so he wants to have Nigerians tell a Ghanaîan story to the world! He should just change the title to "A Country Called Nigeria" and stop puttîng us at the feet of Nigerians." Mr Logic

Ghanaian artîst/activîst, Mr Logic calls out Ghanaian movie producer, Lil Win for bringing Nigerian actors Ramsey Noah, Charles Awurum and many others to feature in a Ghanaian movie titled "A Country Called Ghana".

Ghanaians aren't happy with Lil Win's choice of actors because they believe Nigerians will use this movie to môck them for life

