As we start this beautiful Tuesday morning, let us remember the powerful words of *Proverbs 21:23*

Before you speak, let your words pass through three gates *can serve as a powerful reminder for effective communication.* Encourage people to pause and reflect on their words before speaking:

Is it true? Before sharing information or opinions, ensure that they are based on facts and reality rather than assumptions or hearsay.

Is it necessary? Consider whether the words you are about to speak add value to the conversation or situation. Avoid unnecessary gossip or hurtful comments.

Is it kind? Evaluate if your words are delivered in a gentle and respectful manner. Choose words that uplift and encourage rather than criticize or hurt.

By guiding individuals to pass their words through these gates, they can cultivate better relationships, prevent misunderstandings, and promote harmony in their interactions. Encourage them to speak with mindfulness and empathy, acknowledging the power of words to shape their relationships and impact others.
©️ ChiomaJesusCares 🥰.