If you hang around people who speak about business, growth, finance, money making opportunities, guess what would happen?

Your mind will be wired in that direction subconsciously.

You’ll begin to see and identify numerous money making opportunities. You’ll begin to yearn for growth. You’ll begin to work on your finances.

When you’re exposed to some kind of personalities, it begins to rub-off on you over time.

Do not be deceived into believing that personality cannot rub off. Truth is, personality can rub off, overtime.

Therefore, you must be mindful of the people you continuously associate yourself with because, if you walk with the lame, you'll soon learn to limp. But if you walk with lions, you'll soon learn to walk boldly and fearless.

If you spend more time with 5 poor people, you’ll soon become the 6th poor person.

If you spend more time with 5 rich people, you’d soon become the 6th rich person among them.

These things are not my making. It is the rule of nature.

#focus 2024