TITLE: My Emeka-offor Nightmare (True Life Story In Onitsha)

The Day I Was Scammed with Akpu Instead of iPhone XR

I had always wanted to own an iPhone XR. I had seen my friends and classmates flaunting their sleek and shiny devices, taking selfies and posting them on Instagram. I felt left out and inferior. I wanted to belong, to be part of the cool crowd.

I had saved up for months, doing odd jobs and cutting down on my expenses. I had finally gathered enough money to buy the phone of my dreams. I was so excited and proud of myself. I decided to go to Emeka-offor in Onitsha, where I had heard they sold cheap and original iPhones.

I boarded a bus and arrived at the market. It was crowded and noisy, with people haggling and hustling. I walked around, looking for a shop that sold iPhones. I saw a sign that said "iPhone XR for sale, N150,000 only". I was thrilled. That was exactly the amount I had.

I entered the shop and greeted the seller. He was a young man with a friendly smile. He asked me what I wanted and I told him I wanted to buy an iPhone XR. He nodded and said he had one for me. He took me to a back room, where he showed me a box with an Apple logo. He opened it and took out a phone that looked exactly like an iPhone XR. He handed it to me and said it was brand new and unlocked.

I was overjoyed. I held the phone in my hands and felt its weight and smoothness. It was beautiful. I asked him if I could test it and he said yes. He pressed the power button and the screen lit up. It showed the Apple logo and then the home screen. It looked authentic and functional.

I asked him how much it was and he said N150,000. I agreed and handed him the money. He counted it and smiled. He said he had a special offer for me. He said he would give me a free charger and earphones. He said I just had to follow him to another shop where he had them.

I was happy and grateful. I followed him to another shop, where he introduced me to another seller. He said he was his brother and he had the accessories for me. He handed me a charger and earphones that looked like the ones that came with the iPhone. He said they were original and compatible with the phone.

I thanked him and took the accessories. I asked him if I could charge the phone and he said yes. He plugged the charger into a socket and connected it to the phone. He said the phone had a low battery and it needed to be charged for 8 hours before I could use it. He said it was normal for new phones and it would improve the battery life.

I believed him and thanked him again. I unplugged the phone and put it back in the box. I said goodbye to the sellers and left the shop. I was so happy and eager to use my new phone. I decided to go home and charge it there.

I boarded another bus and went home. I got to my house and greeted my uncle and his wife. They asked me what I had bought and I showed them the box. They were surprised and impressed. They asked me how much it cost and I told them N150,000. They were shocked and worried. They asked me where I got the money and I told them I had saved up for months. They asked me where I bought the phone and I told them Emeka-offor.

They looked at me with pity and concern and said, they hoped I had not been scammed. They said Emeka-offor was notorious for selling fake and stolen phones, that I should be careful and check the phone properly. They said they hoped it was not akpu.

I was confused and offended. They said some scammers used akpu to make fake phones, they would put akpu inside a phone case and cover it with a sticker that looked like a screen, and they would sell it to unsuspecting buyers and tell them to charge it for a long time. When the buyers tried to switch on the phone, akpu would come out.

I laughed and said they were joking, that there was no way my phone was akpu. I told them that I had tested it and it worked fine. I had seen the Apple logo and the home screen, it was original and genuine.

They shook their heads and said they hoped I was right. They asked me to go and charge the phone and see for myself, and they would be happy for me if it was real.

I ignored them and went to my room. I plugged the charger into a socket and connected it to the phone. Put the phone on my bed and waited. I decided to watch some TV and relax. I was confident and proud. I had bought an iPhone XR, achieved my goal, and had belonged.

I watched TV for a few hours and then decided to check on my phone. I went to my room and picked up the phone. It felt warm and heavy. I pressed the power button and waited. Nothing happened. I pressed it again and again. Still nothing.

I started to panic. I unplugged the phone and opened the box, took out the phone and looked at it closely. I noticed something strange. The screen was peeling off. I peeled it off and saw something white and powdery underneath. It was akpu.

I screamed and threw the phone on the floor. Akpu spilled out and scattered everywhere. I was shocked and angry. I had been scammed. I had bought akpu instead of iPhone XR, wasted my money and time, fooled and humiliated.

I cried and cursed, grabbed the box and the accessories and ran out of the house. I told my Uncle I was going back to Emeka-offor to find the sellers and get my money back. I said I was going to make them pay.

They tried to stop me and calm me down that it was too late and dangerous. They said the sellers were probably gone and I would not find them and should accept my loss and learn from it, be careful and wise.

I ignored them and left, boarded another bus and went back to Emeka-offor. I got to the market and looked for the shop where I had bought the phone. I could not find it. I looked for the sign that said "iPhone XR for sale, N150,000 only". I could not see it. I looked for the sellers. I did not recognize them.

I was confused and lost. I asked around and showed the box and the accessories. No one knew anything. No one had seen anything. No one cared.

I felt hopeless and helpless. I had no proof and no clue. I had no phone and no money. I had no friends and no belonging. I had nothing.

I returned home and cried. I had bought akpu instead of iPhone XR.
© Emmanuel Omai
