Some animals That Live Longer Than Humans.
Their estimated lifespan will shock you;

Greenland shark: This shark is the longest-living vertebrate on Earth, with an estimated lifespan of 400 to 500 years.

Aldabra tortoise: This giant tortoise can live up to 100 years and is believed to have died at the age of 250.

Ocean quahog: This large clam from the North Atlantic can live for over 200 years, with a record clam known as Ming being 507 years old.

Bowhead whale: This whale is only second in size to the blue whale in terms of size, but it has the longest lifetime of any species. At least three of the whales are between the ages of 135 and 172 years old, with a fourth at 211 years old.

Koi fish: These colorful fish usually live for 25-30 years, but there have been records of koi living to be over 200 years old. Hanako, a well-known Japanese koi, died in 1977, and a scan of the growth rings on one of her scales revealed that she was 226 years old.

© Emmanuel Omai
