From inbox 📥

Hello house, I have been married for 5year with one kid and expecting another baby, I’m 31yrs and my husband is 33yrs,my husband is not rich but whatever he brings to the table I don’t complain because I believed Gods time is the best,
I have a job so support in taking care of our child and myself, for three years now his attitude has changed towards me, then I realized there are other women but had no proof, he comes home late and sometimes sleeps outside without informing me, we can be under the same roof but my husband will refuse to talk to me for days when I ask if I have done something to him he tells me I haven’t done anything to him.

Ff, he came back home few days ago with a valentine gift from another woman when I asked he told me a friend gave it to him, the next day the same thing happened but this time it was provisions.

I just found out he’s been cheating on me with multiple women and there’s this particular one he has saved his number with love emoji’s, the lady told me she’s been dating my husband for a year now,and that he told her he’s not married,he got angry at me for talking to the lady ,insulted me and told me I don’t know the kind of things the lady does for him,now the problem is he told me point blank that he’s not married to me and if not that I’m pregnant he would have beaten me to death,I don’t know what to do, I have been crying, my heart is shattered.

This is someone I love dearly, I have always been submissive even when he’s at fault and this is what i get in return.
