💫 Tales
Heaven ✨

{Reborn For You}




Deep within the heart of an ominous wilderness lies a place known as the "Devil's Lake." It is a realm shrouded in darkness, where twisted trees claw at the sky and a perpetual haze hangs heavy in the air. This foreboding forest is not merely a stretch of land; it is a sinister entity in its own right, a haven for demons, foxes, and other malevolent spirits that have found solace within its cursed depths.

And the ruler, Lord Mordecai. His food and joy comes from the screams of innocent people, bloodshed, his only reason to smile.

" Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!" The man being tortured screamed loudly as his eyes popped out in pain.

" Oh….. such a crybaby" he said and held his chin. " You still don't want to tell me what happened to my gold do you?" He asked and the already dead man shook his head.

" My lord…. I didn't take your gold" he said and lord Mordecai scoffed. He dug his fingers into his eyes and brought out his eyes.

"Hmmm…. Nice eyeballs" he said as he ate one of the eyeballs.

" Father!!!!" He sighed softly as he heard Draco's voice.

"What is it, Draco?" He asked as , Draco entered into the torture room.

" Father, Lelia is in danger"

" I don't care, she left home " king Mordecai replied as he dug in and took the man's liver. " The most delicious part" he licked his lips as he devoured it.

" Are you going to let her die?" Draco asked and he started laughing.

" Do you think that Lelia can die easily??? She's ten times stronger than a Demi-god, let's just wait until it's her time,then we will recover our city" king Mordecai said and Draco hissed.

" Well that will be possible only if she would still be alive till that hour," Draco said, bringing out a bottle from his pocket. " The queen added this to her food and drink, what if it's poison?" He asked, handing him over the bottle

King Mordecai smiled at the bottle and his eyes beamed gold instantly. " it's oleander extract". He said and threw away the bottle.

" How did she get hold of such a flower?? Where's Lelia?' He asked as his eyes beamed more gold.

"She's about to get married, I assume"

" What!!!" He thundered and the entire palace started shaking.


The palace glittered with the luxurious and expensive petals and flowers. Everyone in the city wore her best attire as they attended the wedding. This is the biggest wedding in the history of Baal city.

" Awesome!!!" A boy said as he stood in awe. " I wish I could live in the palace" he muttered, eating the snack he had with him.

" Be careful of what you wish for, boy" A little girl about Seven said and the boy smiled.

" Did you just call me a boy?? I'm ten and I'm sure older than you" the boy argued.

" You might look older but I'm a witch," she said and smiled.

" You're cute, I'm Joseph" he said, bringing out his hands.

" Ohh… I'm Lilith" She said and he withdrew his hand.

" You're a witch!?" He asked and she nodded.

" Yes, not just any kind of witch, I'm a dark revan, '' she replied with a proud smile. "Aren't you scared?" She said, coming closer to him.

" Of course I'm not, you look kind," Joseph said with a cute smile.

" Really??"

" Yea, I can feel it"

" Joseph!!!!! Joseph!!!!" A lady in her middle aged shouted running to the scene. " Joseph!How many times have I told you not to leave my sight!?" The lady asked and dragged him by the ear leaving.

" Or I wish there was tomorrow, so I could talk to you and tell you about witches, too bad , today's our last day"

The bride and the groom were already in the hall, Lelia could not withstand her joy.
For once in her life,her fate was taking a different turn, at least that was what she thought.

" Tie the knot,and be united as husband and wife" The king's advisor said.

Lelia took the first tie and knotted it perfectly. "Till the end of the world"

"Till the end of the world" Lord Shannon said as he tied her. They stood up and performed the ritual.

" You may take the veil off"

And just like that, the veil was taking off. A sweet smile curved her lips. Lord Shannon pulled her closer and slammed his lips on her delightfully.

" Whoa!!!!!" The villagers gushed at such a pleasant view.

" She must be so happy to be a wife now,no longer a concubine, '' a woman said and the queen smiled evilly.

" Let's see how long it lasts"

" Let the celebration begin!!!"

Their joyous celebration began and everyone was eating and drinking and so was lord Shannon and Lelia.

Her smile was all he needed to see so far as the world still goes on. "Ouch…." She winced and held her stomach.

" Lelia, are you okay!?" Lord Shannon asked and held her hands. "Lelia, talk to me!!" He said as he noticed how she was sweating profusely.

" I….I ummm… I need to use the bathroom" she stuttered as she tried catching her breath.

" Lelia!!!!!" Lord Shannon shouted as she fell down on the ground.

" Get the royal physician!!!" Lord Shannon shouted and the celebration stopped. Everyone's attention was averted to lord Shannon and Lelia.

" What's going on!!!!

" Oh my goodness!!!

"She's dying!!!!

" My heart!!!!" She cried and tore out her red dress. She was left only in her light dress.

" Lelia!.... What's wrong!!?" Lord Shannon asked. He tried casting a spell but a dark aura pulled him off.

" My queen, what's happening!? She's meant to die right?" The queen's assistant asked and she moved back in fear.

" What's happening!!!?" The queen asked in fear as the sky started getting dark and stormy.

" Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!?" Lelia shouted as she started going up . Her eyes got shut, and her hair which was tied in a ponytail got scattered.

Her once vibrant eyes now gleamed with an unholy radiance, filled with an insatiable hunger for power and domination. The redness within them seemed to emanate from the depths of the underworld, as if her very soul had been tethered to the realms of darkness. A sinister aura enveloped her, causing the air to grow heavy with a palpable sense of dread.

As her transformation neared its completion, a dark energy pulsed through her veins, intertwining with her very essence. Whispers of ancient incantations escaped her lips, echoing with a haunting resonance. Shadows coalesced around her, swirling in a malefic dance, as if paying homage to their newly anointed ruler.

She came down and immediately the palace gate got shut. "Ahhhhhhhh!!!!" Came the screams and moans of the villagers.

" It's the queen of darkness!!!!!" The queen said and tried running away but Lelia got hold of her and ripped her part to part.

She casted a spell and everyone started dying, turning into dust and debris. "Stop!!!" King Mordecai shouted as he came Infront of Lelia. " Please stop"

" And you are!?" She rolled her eyes and held his neck. She used her long claws and ripped off his head.

Turning around, everywhere became quiet, everyone was dead except for one person. Lord Shannon.

" Seems like you are stronger!" She said and immediately a Raven landed on her shoulder. " But you're not stronger than me"

" Why did you lie?" Lord Shannon asked as hot tears rolled down his eyes.

Is this what fate brought to him??

" I thought for once that I would be happy but fate… fate has a way of rewrittening destiny.." he faked a laugh

She flew up and lord Shannon flew up too. " Forgive me Lelia, I could not protect you and I didn't fulfill my promise to you " he said, shutting his eyes.

Lelia rushed to him and stabbed him with her sword and just like that, her eyes cleared. A loud gasp came from her as she felt blood drip from his mouth.

" Lord… lord Shannon…." She muttered in tears. "What have I done!!" She cried.

" Lelia…. I…. I love you…. Till the end of the world" he said and his body started burning.

" Ahhhhhhhh!!!!" Lelia cried and stabbed herself with the same sword. " I curse the day I was born…. I curse the day I was born!!!!" She cried loudly as part of her body was burning.

" I wish for a different life!!!!!" She cried as soon as her body disappeared and that was the end of Baal city.
T B c
