10 lessons from How to Attract Money (Simple Success Guides) by Joseph Murphy:

1. You are a spiritual being, and as such, you are entitled to abundance.

2. Your thoughts create your reality.

3. If you want to attract money, you need to think about money in a positive way.

4. You need to believe that you deserve to be wealthy.

5. You need to visualize yourself having the money that you want.

6. You need to take action towards your financial goals.

7. You need to be patient and persistent.

8. You need to be grateful for the money that you have.

9. You need to give back to others.

10. You need to remember that money is just a tool. It is not the end goal.

Here are some additional thoughts on the lessons from Murphy's book:

• Murphy's approach to attracting money is based on the law of attraction. The law of attraction is the belief that your thoughts and feelings attract similar experiences into your life.

• In order to attract money, you need to focus on positive thoughts and feelings about money. You need to believe that you deserve to be wealthy and that you are capable of achieving your financial goals.

• Murphy also emphasizes the importance of taking action towards your goals and being patient and persistent. You can't just sit back and wait for money to come to you. You need to take steps to make your money goals a reality.

• Finally, Murphy reminds us that money is just a tool. It is not the end goal. The real goal is to use money to create a happy and fulfilling life.

Murphy's book is a classic guide to attracting money. It is filled with simple yet powerful exercises and techniques that can help you achieve your financial goals. If you are looking for a way to attract more money into your life, I highly recommend reading this book.
