We are receiving reports and we are aware that some users are attempting to manipulate our platform's incentives by spamming our news feed and engaging in multiple likes on other users profiles without engagement all in a bid to scavenge for coins.

Valutok platform is a social network, and the primary aim is for people to connect, share content and grow their businesses. Coins are a reward system for those who are responsibly trying to grow the platform by engaging responsibly with other users and sharing interesting content. The primary aim for being here is not to scavenge for coins without engaging responsibly or growing the platform.

We welcome and encourage every business owner and content creator on the platform to use our services to the fullest as you are our target audience and will be certainly rewarded for your efforts to grow the platform.

Valleytop Communications reserves the right to reject payouts, delete and ban unscrupulous elements who intend to circumvent our system and defeat the purpose for this innovation.

Thanks as you use the platform responsibly.

Valleytop Communications mgt