Life of a Bee

The life of a bee typically consists of several stages: note all the stages should teach you that life is a process and in all processes, there are sufferings. So be patient with life and grow organically for a better future.

Egg: The queen bee lays eggs in the hive.
Larva: The egg hatches into a larva, which is fed by worker bees.
Pupa: The larva spins a cocoon and undergoes metamorphosis inside it.
Adult: After a period of development, the adult bee emerges from the cocoon. Depending on its role in the hive, it may become a worker bee, a drone (male bee), or a queen bee.
Worker Bee: These bees are females and perform various tasks such as cleaning, feeding larvae, building combs, and foraging for food.
Drone: Drones are male bees whose primary purpose is to mate with the queen.
Queen Bee: The queen bee is the only sexually mature female in the hive and is responsible for laying eggs. She is fed royal jelly as a larva, which allows her to develop fully and become fertile.
Throughout their lives, bees play vital roles in pollination, honey production, and maintaining the balance of ecosystems.