Business insights

An old key cannot open a new door. How do you expect to get ahead when an A.I. can be employed to do your job at one-tenth of the cost? You are not learning, but machines are learning. That means machines are going to make you redundant. You are poor because you are trying to use the knowledge you learnt when you graduated twenty years ago to unlock prosperity today. The lock has changed. Get a new key. Read. Take courses. Teach yourself. Update your mind. Acquire new skills. Understand Mutual funds, ETF, Dollar Cost Averaging, Earnings Reports, REITs, the S&P 500, Russel 2000, Wiltshire 5000, NFTs, the Metaverse, Digital wallet, Minting, Smart Contracts, Crypto mining, Futures Market, etc.. Or you will remain broke and your juniors will update and upgrade while you complain and explain,