Fada Angelo Chidi Unegbu Wrote:


An economically collapsed nation where millions of citizens, including children, go to bed hungry is still holding someone whose incarceration has led to Monday sit-at-home in a section of the country. How should a country with a falling economy not do every possible thing within its power to promote food production, the distribution of goods, and services? Even if you do not like him or his region, what about the country that has already collapsed economically? I wonder what kind of hearts bl@ck people have. No European country can put its hands into anything that can affect its economy negatively, not to mention a country that many cannot feed. There is time for everything. There is time to fight, time to make peace, time to gather stones, and time to throw them away. This is the time for reconciliation. This is the time to make peace with every part of this country. This is the time to gather anything that can revive our economy. This is the time to bury our differences and move on as a nation. This is the time to unite, to console the mourners, and to feed the hungry. This is not the time to cut off the nose in order to spite the face. Let Mazi Nnamdi Kanu go home and be united with his family. Besides, the court has already declared him free."
