Except is someone you trust and believe in, most of the so called Instagram and other social networks poses/posts you copy have pains and falsehood hidden behind them.

Are you living your own life?

Are you being true to what matters to you and what inspires you?

Or are you living a life somebody else has planned out for you?
Are you struggling to impress even on your social media group?

This is one of the biggest reasons, if not the biggest reason for having difficulty finding a partner you truly love and truly loves you too. Also in achieving your dreams.

This is time for some soul-searching about what life you truly want to live and be in, even if it means going to teach in the Congo or becoming a painter in your rural community as long you're not copying anyone.

You need to live your own life: the rest will fall into place.
This is the only way to your next valid step.
