*Dear followers,*
I want to remind you that living in secret sin hinders your blessings and allows the devil to manipulate and control you. Even though you may feel that no one sees your hidden actions, remember that God sees everything, including what happens in secret. Continuing to live in secret sin will only lead to destruction and an empty life.

Let us forsake secret sin and run to God for His mercy and forgiveness. He is ready to forgive us when we come to Him with a repentant heart. By turning back to Jesus Christ and seeking His forgiveness, we can have access to God's blessings and experience a life filled with purpose and fulfillment.

Therefore, I urge you to say no to secret sin and choose a path of righteousness. Let us make restitution where necessary and turn back to Jesus Christ. He will accept us with open arms and grant us His forgiveness and grace.

In this new week, let us remember the verse from *Deuteronomy 28:13,* which reminds us that when we obey God's commands and live according to His will, He will make us the head and not the tail. Embrace a life of obedience and righteousness, and watch as God's blessings and favor overflow in your life.

©️ Chioma 😍