One thing that is certain is that a day will come when you will stand before God and give an account of how you treated your partner, whom God gave you to care for each other. I always remind people that death is inevitable, and when it arrives, there will be no chance to return and rectify how you treated your spouse.

For those who argue that it depends on how your spouse treats you, remember that God instructs us not to repay evil with evil. *Romans 12:17, which says, "Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone."*

I encourage you to treat your spouse well, even if they don't treat you well in return. Remember that the Creator of the universe sees both our public and private actions, and everyone will be rewarded according to their deeds.

Therefore, I urge you to fulfill your role as a loving and caring husband or wife. One day, we will all give an account of how we treated one another.
