If this passing week has not given you enough reasons to reflect through life and stay humble then I wonder what else will….

Few days ago it was facebook shot down by the original CEO for as long as he wanted and not even those with millions of followers were spared….

Even those that call themselves Facebook celebrities and termed themselves all sorts of powerful titles were all logged out along side the ordinary commoners…

And today, the entire country is in silent night because the remains of the late Access Bank CEO, his wife and son were brought back to the country for burial.

This is a family that fly around the world with first class/private jets but today they were just brought back home packaged in cartons like some kind of commodities…😢😢

Indeed! Life is unpredictable!

Indeed! Nobody knows tomorrow!

Instead! We’re all nothing but pencils in the hands of the creator 😢

Stay humble, stay prayerful.

May the will of God for you and I be in our favour🙏🙏🙏
