*How to administer the Mirra cell*

.... It should be the first thing in the morning. Preferably on an empty stomach atleast two hours before meal

.....should be poured under the tongue as that is where the sublingual glands could carry it straight into the blood stream for efficiency

....when it's placed under the tongue, let it dissolve on its own which might take within 5minutes to 15 minutes

..... While its under the tongue dissolving, do not swallow your spit as you might swallow the undissolved powered Mirra cell

..... Once you are sure it's completely dissolved, swallow everything at a go and drink enough water

...at least two sachet water(pure water) and please stay hydrated all through this therapy period

... Don't wait to get thirsty before water intake, drink everytime you urinate and other times as well

*Please note that Mirra cell can be taken along other drugs*