Mazi Nnamdi Kanu: The Sham Prosecution Of Miyetti Allah Leader And The Real Plot

Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, has made his advocacy for fairness, justice and equity known to all. It is therefore crystal clear what his purpose for founding IPOB is. When Mazi Nnamdi Kanu was criminally abducted from Kenya by Nigerian government for a non-criminal demand of self-determination, the intention of the Nigeria government and their handlers was to infiltrate IPOB and destroy it from within.

The lawless Buhari administration that perpetrated this heinous crime underestimated the potency inherent in IPOB. For 8 years of its lawless existence, the Buhari administration knew that Miyetti Allah and certain Bureau De Change Operators are the sponsors of terrorism yet they did nothing. Of course, it was because the purpose of that administration aligned with the terrorists.

The illegitimate and easily blackmailed government of Tinubu is sustaining that purpose by playing a poster boy to western interests. Since Mazi Nnamdi Kanu committed no crime known to law, as demand for referendum is not a crime, what a government interested in peaceful resolution of the quagmire that is the case against the IPOB leader will do is to ensure guarantee of fairness or seek for political settlement. Instead this government continues to chase shadows.

However, nothing screams ulterior motive than the Supreme Court ruling of 15 December 2023. Any doubt that the illegitimate administration was trading pacification for legitimacy was cleared. From then, it was one devious strategy after another. The ground had already been watered by the previous administration through recruitment of criminals who commit crimes in the name of IPOB. Therefore, when Supreme Court quashed every charge except terrorism, it became suspect.

The Nigeria government has been tinkering with the judicial system until they found a Chief Justice of Nigeria willing to bend the knee and kiss the president’s shoes. Now that the executive is fully in charge of the judiciary, the only response they get when they ask for a jump is how high. Terrible!

The purported arrest of the leader of Miyetti Allah and the recent release of list of BDC operators financing terrorism are calculative and part of a larger plan. Ordinarily, the arrest of the terrorist Miyetti Allah leader would have been a welcome development. However, the Nigeria government real intention is to use his conviction as a justification for dousing tension and to convince people that they did the right thing when the real target, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, is convicted.

Recall that earlier, the Nigeria government’s plan, in cohort with her diaspora handlers, to use Tony Blair and IEP to label IPOB a terrorist organization fell through hence the ballistic desperation. The Institute for Economics and Peace, IEP, later tendered apology and retracted the inclusion of IPOB in their erroneous Global Terrorism Index, GTI, but Tony Blair never did. Infact as soon as Tinubu stole the election, he visited him and had an extensive discussion where he detailed him on what to do.

As Nigeria government was hatching her plan, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu ambushed them by demanding assurance of fair trial before any further participation in court. This demand triggered them to run from pillar to post throwing in everything prematurely, including the recent release of wanted list that contain the names of IPOB Head of Directorate of State, Chika Edoziem. A clear intimidation tactics.

Family Writers Press International
