He kissed and told her

"My wife, thank you for putting up with my weaknesses.

Thank you for being patient with me.

Thank you for covering my shame from the public.

Thank you for disagreeing with me when my suggestions were wrong.

Thank you for watching basketball games with me even though you are not a fan.

Thank you for handling things financially when I was down.

Thank you for getting yourself in the mood for love making when I made sexual advances at you. You don't turn me down.

Thank you for trying different sex positions and the one I like and when you don't like something new we do, thank you for being honest with me so that I don't push it.

Thank you for praying for me without me asking.

Thank you for managing our home well.

Thank you for being the best mother to our children.

I am a better man because of you my Queen"

She kissed him back and told him

"My husband, thank you for loving me even when I am difficult.

Thank you for pushing me to be the best I can be.

Thank you telling me the truth even when it is difficult.

Thank you for understanding my moods and being a steady hand.

Thank you for speaking life into me when I feel exhausted.

Thank you for coming home to me even when we've had a disagreement.

Thank you making love to me the way I want.

Thank you for not making me feel sexually rejected.

Thank you for being man enough to pray.

Thank you being a great model to the children.

Thank you for not making marriage all about your needs.

Thank you for listening to my many stories and being my best friend.

I am a better woman because of your love"
