I did a reaserch on this plant (colocasia esculanta lin) cassava leaf.

Topice of my project research: the phytochemical and antimicrobial properties of colocasia esculanta lin.

It was told and belived that these plants have some antimicrobial and phytochemical properties.
Note: ANTIMICROBIAL, simply means the substance embedded in these leaves that have the ability to kill or inhibit the growth of bacterial.
Also, PHYTOCHEMICAL properties, in its own are those bioactive properties contained in plants that also have the abilities to kill and protect then from virus and bacteria, these phytochemical properties are also belived to have positive effect on man.

If you go to google or or other search engine, it will be noted that these plants have the efficacy of eliminating some ailments or infections.

My fellow lovers of nature, i did a thorough project work on these planst and it happens to be that these plants have no efficacy whatsoever to eliminating an infection or microbes.

In my project work, i air dried the leaves of "colocasia esculanta lin" after air drying i soaked it with (1) ethano and (2) water for 72 hours.

Using muschin cloth, i filtered, discarding my residue and collecting the extract....

If you want me to continue say hi.

But please note: not all the things you see on the Internet are true, make a good research before administering anything you dont no into your body .

We are the body of knowledge.
We are nature
