Lagosians rejoice as "HELP IN HARDSHIP INITIATIVE"comes alive today

The economic hardship and sufferings of Nigerians tends to increase on daily basis as prices of foodstuffs continue to soar.

The present administration is really perturbed with the situation of things in the country as the Bola Tinubu led administration is seeking for solution to the food crisis and scarcity in the country.

Archbishop Benjamin Samson Mustapha (Jehovah Sharp sharp) took a bold step today as he thrilled the people of Lagos with his "HELP IN HARDSHIP INITIATIVE" Which saw him visit Agboju market and paid for various foodstuffs that the masses bought in the market.He enunciated that this is the best time to show love to a neighbour, friend or someone you don't even know as he reiterated the "spear a Naira" slogan.

Speaking after the gesture,he called on privileged Nigerians to emulate the act and help people around them.He said "let's not sit back and blame the government because this government is a young government, what we are suffering is the result of accumulated wrong policies and probably corruption,I'm calling on privileged Nigerians to emulate this act and help their neighbours that are need, let's stop lcomplaining and see how we can help the government to salvage the situation in our own little way, I'm calling on privileged Nigerians in every state to buy into this Initiative and save a soul today,I started this initiative today with Agboju market and we will touch every market in Lagos and this gesture will continue for as long as the hardship persist
