Basic Thing To Know; Debate On Parliamentary Bill By House Of Representatives

House of Representatives debate to return back to parliamentary system of government where the head of state serves as a ceremonial president with more power vested on head of government. But, the stipulations or structures were not highlighted for better understanding amongst Nigerians.

Moreover, any system of government without regionalism is inconsequential considering the political structure of Nigeria. Centralization of power to the center is the reason Nigeria is not workable. Be it Presidential or Parliamentary System, component units or regions should be more powerful then gives return to central body.

The Basic of the Parliamentary System:

A parliamentary system is a form of government in which the official head of state or entire executive branch has little or no role in actual governing. In a parliamentary system, all decisions of governance are managed by a legislative body. These legislative bodies can take various forms; some are two-chambered parliaments while others are single-chambered. These legislative bodies are usually elected by the people, with a roughly equal number of citizens electing a delegate to represent their opinions and interests in Parliament.

With the above explanation, did you ever think that executive will allow its power vested on them in the presidential system to be transferred to legislature in parliamentary setting?

The so called Parliamentary System of government divers from different nations according to their political structure. Some Countries with parliamentary systems may be constitutional monarchies, where a monarch is the head of state while the head of government is almost always a member of parliament, or parliamentary republics, where a mostly ceremonial president is the head of state while the head of government is regularly from the legislature. The above illustration should be a reason why more insight is needed for more clerification.

Another thing to study forensically is the motive behind the Parliamentary bill by the House of Representative members. Whether the motive behind it is to appoint a Fulani monarch (Sultan) to serve as a Ceremonial Head of State.

Do not be deceived, the Parliamentary System in Europe is far different from parliamentary system in Nigeria. The same system was practiced between 1960-1963, before military coup. Whichever way, any system of government in Nigeria without confederation of power to the component unit or regional government is not validated.

Kelechi Okorie, A Political Analyst And Social Advocate.
