Many people have been blaming President Tinubu over the state of the Country as if he was the one that caused the problems. But let's all look inwards and pose these questions to ourselves and each person should look inwards. Suppose you were the one voted in as the President of Nigeria, and you get to the office and meet the following frightening facts. What will you do to solve the problems that have arisen from them?
1) You meet an empty treasury. The outgone government simply cleared all the money and went away.
2) You are told that Buhari printed N27 trillion unapproved, apart from the budget, not applied to economic production, but largely Stolen!
3) CBN tells you that for the past 3 years, no Single Dollar was paid into the Federal Government Coffers as proceeds from Petroleum Sales.
4) You are told that only Buhari and NNPC Sold Nigeria's Petroleum for 8 years. CBN and Federal Ministry of Finance were excluded from the Sales and they knew nothing about them.
5) You are also told that Buhari *has Sold Nigeria's Oil production forward for the next 3 years till 2026 ending, collected the money and Stolen it.*
6) You are told that a Buhari Cabal takes rent on the Nigerian economy and pays themselves *any amount they so wish* as Petrol Subsidy payments.
7) You are also told that the little Dollars that come into CBN through other sources are largely Stolen by this same Cabal too. They take the Dollars at CBN for N100 per Dollar with Buhari's approval and go and Sell it for N700 or more in the parallel market. That they did for the whole of 8 years.
8) You are also told that there is *no record of funds recovered by EFCC, ICPC at the CBN.* All the recovered billions simply disappeared into thin air under Buhari and nobody has been able to locate them!!
9) There are other seriously terrible things that Buhari and his Cabal did to ruin Nigeria, but please just focus on these few ones.
1 So we come back to the question, if you are voted in as President and you are confronted with all these, what will you do?!! Everybody, please think more on these and blame less.
