"5 Worst Places To Find Your Dream Partner"

A place full of lies, intrigues, fake lives, impression, games, sarcasm, "flaunt it" and shortlived dreams. Best for those who go hunting, and bests for those who want to be hunted. Don't be fooled: The genuine people here, come with their spouses.
Sometimes it's planned, and the items are returned, between buyer and shop owner, just to get you.
It's a place where no-one ever comes from a village. A place where you can stall with empty pockets while boasting to buy the entire mall. A place to kill time with a bottle of water or Coca-Cola while keeping eagle eyes alive. A place where you bargain prices with every shop as soon as you have a target. A place where the rule of payback follows you like a shadow if you're hunted down. A place where the rule of "nothing goes for nothing" for the hunter reigns. A place that makes you look alien without a designers clothing. A place where everyone's parent is wealthy. A place where you pose for pictures with a cart full of items, only to return home with a nylon bag and a loaf of bread. I repeat, the real ones here are either married or have healthy relationships, and if alone, then they are in the mall to shop for their spouses. Believe me. When you see them, you’ll know. They don't glance at you, they're serious and business minded. You may only sight them just once. They bargain, buy and leave as soon as they come. So, fasten your seatbelts for dramas and show-offs, when you meet someone at the mall. You're probably the 4th in one week!

