____ "The wisdom of this life is hidden in the supernatural unknown you have to seek for it with sweat and blood,"
This implies that the true knowledge and understanding of life is not readily available or easily attainable. The use of the phrase "supernatural unknown" suggests that this wisdom may lie beyond human comprehension or traditional means of learning.

The phrase "sweat and blood" represents the hard work, dedication, and sacrifice required to achieve this level of understanding. It implies that we must be willing to put forth significant effort and face challenges in order to gain this knowledge.

In essence, the statement suggests that life is a journey in which we must actively seek out and work hard for true wisdom and understanding. It may require stepping out of one's comfort zone, exploring the unknown, and persevering through adversity to uncover the secrets of our existence.

Note this African adage which says "Nothing good comes easily "

®️ VeryUnusualman